Meet WPA Member Sonya Hastings!

1. What is your name? Sonya Hastings
2. Where are you from? Originally from Pennsylvania, currently living in Florida
3. How did you get introduced to the game of poker? My old roommates enjoyed playing poker back in 2008 at a local venue. I had no knowledge of the game – how it was run or played. A couple years later, the local venue was hiring new dealers. I took a 6-week course, auditioned and was hired. After that, it was poker mostly every day. It beat my previous banking job!
4. Tell us about an unusual or unique experience that you’ve had while playing poker. Any specific poker experience you are most proud of? Back in 2015 I was in Berlin for WSOPE. The cash game lists were really long, so I jumped in a €550 NL event. I just wanted to play poker. Never played a WSOP event in my life. Well, I ended up being chip leader on Day 1! It was pretty surreal watching my coverage in German! Ended up busting the next day. Hey, I cashed!
5. How would you describe your poker style/play? What is your favorite poker game to play and why? Well, first off, I don’t play for a living. So there are times when I’ve had a couple cocktails and show up to see what happens and other times when I am focused, fed, rested and ready to play. Really enjoy NL cash because I can control when I leave.
6. What were some of the unexpected hurdles that you have experienced in poker? How are you overcoming those? Poker is always evolving and while that’s a known, if you don’t keep up, you’ll fall on your face. This past series really reminded me of that. I felt so rusty! I’m really just taking my time with the game, asking for a lot of feedback.
7. Who is the most difficult player that you have ever competed against? How was that experience? Brian Hastings! Who else? He’s a really strong player and been in the game forever. Still figuring out his tells. Not sure he has any. On the flip side though, I have a free all-access pass when it comes to strategy, so I’ll catch him one day.
8. Looking back at where you were when you started your poker journey; how has your game evolved and what are your poker goals going forward? I ask questions and try to play my best. I leave emotions out of it too. I’m getting a lot more “I’m proud of you” texts from hubby after reviewing a hand than before. I like that. Haven’t set any goals as of yet but stay tuned!
9. What is your favorite hobby or passion outside of poker? I truly enjoy travel and learning new languages. I’m a full time Mom at the moment, so my French needs some work. That’s my current focus. Not sure where I’ll travel next. Probably France or northern Italy in the Spring. Pandemic-pending, of course.
10. What are your plans for poker in the future, if any at all? I haven’t really thought about that. I’m based out of 2 major poker areas: Florida and Las Vegas, so there’s constantly events to play. Right now, I enjoy playing daily tournaments. They last just long enough to be able to enter and still have meal time with our daughter, Audrey. Once she’s in school full time, I’ll evaluate poker’s role in my life.