An Introduction

Women’s Poker Association supports women who want to play poker at every level. Our all-volunteer, non-profit organization has emerged as the industry’s most prestigious professional membership entity in women’s poker. An organization created to Educate, Elevate and Empower women in poker, WPA supports the path for women to socialize and support one another through league play. Creating opportunities for women to win entries into events they normally wouldn’t be able to enter on their own. World Poker Tour, World Series of Poker, various poker tours and specialty events taking place in your local area, poker cruises, etc.
WPA Ladies Poker Leagues™
WPA Ladies Poker Leagues™ is our support system to link women together who live locally. You can name your group whatever you’d like. There are long standing Poker Queens groups, Poker Hotties Groups, and everything imaginable in between. We do not own your group. We SUPPORT your group. It is not required to use the WPA name in your group name. We only provide this program as a league design suggestion and we’ll help you promote your league by adding it to a list of leagues being played.
League Rules
Host a monthly low buy-in tournament where some of the prize pool is held for the seats you’re playing for. The remaining monies are distributed on the league day as a prize pool.
EXAMPLE – BUY IN: $100 – $75 to the prize pool, $25 to the League Fund packages at the end of the league. (You determine the length of the league. It could be any amount of time. Weekly, monthly or a set amount of game days. Your choice.)
PRIZES: For every package amount in the league fund, one package will be awarded. You determine if it’s for entries, entries and travel, etc
POINTS: All players receive points based off of their play and attendance. Suggested points are accumulated as follows: Use as many points as there are players. i.e, 20 players = 20 points for first, 19 points for 2nd, so on and so on. If a player doesn’t attend, and doesn’t send a sub, they are only receive one point.
EXCEPTIONS: In the event a player cannot attend the tournament you’re playing for, (death in the family, illness, etc.), the seat package is forfeited to the next qualifying player in point standing. Cancelations under 72 hours will forfeit the seat altogether and added to the next league play packages.
Point Calculations:

LEAGUE WINNERS: Once the final league game is played, distribute travel portion of the prize package to the winner. In case of a tie in points, a heads up playoff will be the deciding method of who wins. This applies to ties at any level. If a league winner is unable to play, the seat automatically will go to the next highest point player.
Things you need aside from poker chips and cards:
- League Representative – League Representative will handle all the paperwork and tournament details. We have a League Tournament Structure we can provide.
- Photos – Capture photos of your game! Especially your winner =) Share them in your group and on the WPA Page
- Promotion – WPA will include your game in our listing of league play and if there is open enrollment, we’ll have players contact you.
- Player Contract – You have rules and there needs to be a contract. Just an added protection for the entire group. Every player agrees to the rules and structure so there are no surprises in the end. WPA can supply you with a sample contract.
Leagues are played for everything imaginable. Be creative to make it fun and unique for your group of players. Some leagues have logos, apparel made, pot luck sharing, chipping in $ for food, etc. You can pass the deck around a kitchen table or pay a dealer. THIS IS YOUR LEAGUE… you design it how you want it to be.
WPA supports you and if you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out for assistance.
DOWNLOADS: All information provided is intended as a guide. Feel free to make changes as you and your group decide.