The Woman’s Poker Association is a non-profit organization that elevates & celebrates women in the poker industry. One of our initiatives is the WPA Player of the Year program, a global competition that recognizes exceptional female poker players. Any “women only tournaments” can be included on our Events List, and those with at least 40 participants and a minimum buy-in of $100 USD will qualify for the WPA POY Leaderboard in North America.
Post Pandemic Poker is more popular than ever before. 2022 was a stellar year for women in poker, and the momentum shows no signs of slowing down. We confidently anticipate that 2023 will be an even greater success for women in poker! The WPA POY winner was determined through operator and other result platforms’ data on players’ performances.
We would like to Congratulate Bridgette Adkins of Kansas City, Missouri, as the 2022 WPA Player of the Year! She takes down this year’s title with an impressive 444 points overall! This is the second Player of the year award for Bridgette as she earned this same title last year!

Congratulations are also due to the other top finishers, in order as follows: Joanne Liu from California, Louise Francoeur from Nevada/Canada, Espy Enriquez from California, Thea Temple from Alaska, Lisa Adams Levy from Florida, Lisa Taylor from Nevada, Ruth Hall from Texas (2019 WPA Player of the Year), Sharon Liss from Florida, and Christina Read from Mississippi. Each of these players is incredibly talented in their own right. Click here to view the overall standings.
Finally, we invite the top 10 finishers to participate in the upcoming Tournament of Champions Freeroll Celebration, time & date details will be announced soon!